2016 Event series kicks off next Wednesday

Fear is to terror as hope is to the lottery

How likely are we to experience a terrorist attack in Australia? What is the capacity of Islamist terrorists in the West? Does counter-terrorism expenditure mirror the threat posed?

Global terrorism expert and University of Newcastle Professor, Mark Stewart will address these provocative questions in the Newcastle Institute’s first public forum for 2016.

In the lead up to the event, Professor Mark Stewart has today had an opinion piece published in the Newcastle Herald:

Global myth of the terrorist mastermind.
You can read the piece at http://www.theherald.com.au/story/3766234/global-myth-of-the-terrorist-mastermind/?cs=308#disqus_thread

Also presenting at the event next Wednesday is Dr Robert Imre, a Senior Lecturer from the University of Newcastle.  Dr Imre has also published work related to terrorism and you can get a feel for what he is likely to speak about by reading a piece from The Conversation in 2014:

Terrorists can be defeated by fighting fear with co-operation

All are welcome at our events and this one will kick off at 6pm next Wednesday March 9th at Souths Leagues Club, Llewellyn St, Merewether.



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