In Australia, approximately 105,000 people are homeless on any given night. In the Hunter right now, up to 400 people, some as young as 12, are homeless or sleeping rough. These people are unprotected and vulnerable. They face an uncertain future, seemingly destined to be caught in the ‘no home-no job-no home cycle’.
Traditional approaches to homelessness have not solved this complex community challenge. Ending homelessness requires innovative thinking and a sustained effort from all levels of government, business, the not-for profit sector and the community.
The New Institute, in collaboration with Hunter Youth 2020, is hosting a forum on August 9th looking at the latest national and international approaches to addressing youth homelessness.
Anna Zycki, Area Director Housing NSW – Hunter, will provide a snapshot of homelessness at the local and national levels, and information about the NSW Government’s policies and programs to address homelessness in the Hunter.
Felicity Reynolds, Chairperson for Common Ground Australia will talk about chronic homelessness and preventative solutions that are working here and overseas.
Tony Keenan, Chair of the Australian Foyer Foundation will present Foyer, an innovative approach that is having a significant impact on youth homelessness in Australia and internationally. Together Tony and Felicity will explain how the Foyer model works and discuss how it could be developed for the Hunter.
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VENUE: Souths Leagues Club.
DATE: Tuesday 9th August 2011 TIME: 7.00 till 8.30pm ADMISSION: $5 Donation
FURTHER DETAILS: or Angie at 0422 401 129