Busy September for the Newcastle Institute

It was a full house at Panthers on Tuesday 4th September for the Lord Mayoral Candidates’ Forum run in partnership with the Newcastle Herald. The Herald carries video of candidate statements and the opportunity for online feedback in the Sept 5th edition

Many thanks to all of the people who contributed to the evening and to those who came along.

Thank you, too, to the people who interacted online with this event: by retweeting notices, commenting on blogs or online articles and submitting questions online.  It’s great to see positive examples of the ways in which we can harness our ability to connect.

And now, coming up NEXT week, 11th September.

Newcastle on the couch 

– the city goes to the Psychologist.

Many words and phrases are used to describe Newcastle – some of them positive, some negative.  We often hear the City described as if it were a person – a person with a personality, and personal issues.  “Newcastle has an identity crisis”; “The city has delusions of grandeur”; “There is a buzz of excitement”; ‘The town has become more mature, sophisticated and cultured’ Newcastle faces the future with a mixture of uncertainty and insecurity’ ‘The City has gone through a long period of depression’.  ‘It’s a big-hearted city without a heart’, ‘Problems with anger management and conflict resolution’, ‘Tendency to hoarding behaviour, difficulties dealing with change’

If Newcastle was an individual, and went to the Doctor, a number of physical illnesses could be diagnosed. “Parts of Newcastle are dying or wasting away”; “The arteries are becoming congested”; “Some difficulties with breathing”.  But what about Newcastle’s psychological health issues?

At the next public forum of the Newcastle Institute, we take a flight of fancy, put the city on the couch, and submit to the care of some local mental health experts. This is partly serious and part fun, as we explore the psychopathology of this complex ‘patient’ – Our Town.

Our expert consultants will include prominent Newcastle clinical psychologist Tarnya Davis, plus former Chancellor of Newcastle University, (and one of the Newcastle Institute’s Patrons) Professor Trevor Waring AM.

Together this team shall examine the patient, diagnose the various major and minor illnesses and psychological strengths the city has.  They will then suggest various psychotherapeutic strategies the city could use to build on its strengths and address its weaknesses. They may even have some advice for the individuals that live in the city………

SEPTEMBER MONTHLY FORUM  – September 11th 7pm

“Newcastle on the Couch” – The City goes to the Psychologist

City Hall – Check room listings on arrival.

Open to the general public;  Donation $5

FURTHER DETAILS:  www.newinstitute.org.au  or Angie at 0422401129



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