Champions for the Hunter

At the next Forum of The Newcastle Institute, much loved rugby enthusiast, classicist, and university identity Bernie Curran will present his thoughts about Champions of the Hunter.

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“Champions” is a term commonly associated with sporting heroes, but includes those who have achieved for the community in a variety of fields including business and industry, the arts, social movements, healthcare, academia, and in other fields. 

These community champions need to be remembered for their achievements.  But more fundamentally, champions teach us how to change the world.  Bernie believes that the memory of our champions is a threat to those that would not wish a community like Newcastle to be empowered.  It is dangerous for a community if champions are forgotten.

It is dangerous for a community if champions are forgotten.

In classical times, damnatio memoriae was a way of erasing any memory of someone who was seen as a threat to the established order.  The idea has also been incorporated in George Orwell’s classic 1984, as well as in a number of other settings.  But even without active destruction the memory of champions can be lost.  That is why Bernie is so passionate to ensure that we do not lose the memory of these many champions for the Hunter. 

Bernie will present his own personal list of some champions of the Hunter and then discuss one particular champion: environmental campaigner Tom Farrell. He will be supported by others in their memories of this local champion.

The audience will then be invited to suggest other champions that need to be remembered, and explore ways to establish an ongoing modern memorial to the achievements of these champions.  It is envisaged that this will become a new activity for the Newcastle Institute.


VENUE:  Hunter Room, Newcastle City Hall 

DATE: Tuesday 9th April 2013 

TIME: 7.00 till 8.30pm   ADMISSION: $5 Donation 

If you have queries about this event, or the Newcastle Institute, please use the Contact link to get in touch.



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