Developing the Hunter

Developing the Hunter

What is the Hunter Development Corporation doing?

What is the Hunter Infrastructure Investment Fund?

May 8th 7pm  Newcastle City Hall

The Hunter Region is becoming a ‘hot spot’ for development nationally.  Population growing strongly with many more people to come. Mining is booming.  Tourism is increasing.  High-tech industries such as aerospace, defence, energy technology, health and education are becoming a major component of the regional economy.  But the infrastructure to support all this development is lagging behind.  In a region that was already lacking in multiple areas, the cracks are beginning to show.

Many believe there has been insufficient planning in the past, and this is still not being done properly. Is the region getting an appropriate ‘infrastructure dividend’ from the current resources boom?  And what is being done to develop the region for the ‘post-coal’ era?  Will there still be critical infrastructure deficiencies?

One of the major ‘players’ in regional development is the Hunter Development Corporation. The HDC’s role includes the development of large parcels of state land across the region. The HDC also has responsibilities for Infrastructure derived from its involvement with the Hunter Infrastructure and Investment Fund (HIIF), set up in 2010. The HIIF Board has been tasked to develop a 20 year infrastructure plan for the Hunter Region.

At the New Institute’s next public forum Bob Hawes, the HDC’s General Manager, will explain what the HDC is doing at present, including planning for land outside of Honeysuckle.  He will also discuss what approach will be used through the HIIF to develop appropriate priorities for infrastructure spending in the Hunter.

Following this, Architect Phillip Pollard will discuss the challenge of appropriate regional development from an environmental planning perspective.  There will then be interactive discussion between both speakers and the audience addressing the need for community involvement in these decisions.

This meeting will be of interest to anyone concerned about appropriate development of the Hunter Region.  All Welcome!

VENUE:  Hunter Room, Newcastle City Hall
DATE: Tuesday 8th
 May 2012  
TIME: 7.00 till 8.30pm   ADMISSION: $5 Donation
FURTHER DETAILS:  or Angie at 0422401129

 Click the logo to download a flyer for this event.




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