Do you have an event to share?

If you have an event you believe would be of interest to other visitors to this site, why not add it to our ‘Newcastle Events‘ calendar?

All you need to do is click ‘Newcastle Events’ link in the menu bar above and then follow the link to the online calendar.  Once there, click the ‘Add Event’ link at the calendar and fill out the relevant fields.  Your event will appear once approved for publication.

We look forward to helping to keep everybody up to date with some of the great things happening in Newcastle.



2 Responses

  1. Thanks for providing your service to our community. Would like data on speakers etc that NEW will be promoting.

  2. Hi Denis. We’ll be meeting in the next week or so to plan events for 2012. There should be more information about coming events for the next few months on the website soon. Or, by ‘NEW’ did you have another organisation in mind?

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