“.. how a modern war is conducted..”

The recent commemoration of ANZAC Day has set the scene for the next forum of the New Institute.  Many stories were told from the wars of the last century – Gallipolli, France, New Guinea, Vietnam.  There was some long overdue commemoration of Korea.  But what about war in the 21st Century?

Most of the media coverage and discussion of Australian troops fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq deals with the political issues shaping these wars.  Occasional frontline coverage provides patchy ‘on the ground’ images, but little real understanding of what is happening.  What is the ‘day-to-day reality’ of modern warfare?

Until his recent retirement Tim Owen was an Air Commodore in the RAAF.  In this position, he served as second in command of Australian Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.  His role was operational:- the actual business of implementing the decisions made by the Australian Government.  The New Institute has invited him to discuss the operational realities of warfare in the 21st Century – with particular focus on the current conflict in Afghanistan.  The discussion will not consider why – the rights or wrongs of whether Australia should be fighting in Iraq, Afghanistan or elsewhere.   Instead, we consider how a modern war is conducted:- how war has changed due to modern technology, weaponry, communication, media coverage, and today’s social values.

Tim Owen has recently been elected as MLA for Newcastle.  This forum was arranged prior to the State Election, and on the basis that discussion would not be broadened. Thus, the evening will be a rare opportunity to learn about the reality of modern warfare in depth, rather than the distractions of ‘the big picture’, the stories of history, or the inaccuracies of Hollywood fantasy.

VENUE: Souths Leagues Club.
DATE: Tuesday 10th May 2011  
TIME: 7.00 till 8.30pm  ADMISSION: $5 Donation
FURTHER DETAILS:  www.newinstitute.org.au  or Angie at  0422401129

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