Jewish Identities and Political Ideologies

Much of the discussion and analysis on the current Israel Palestine conflict is polarised with critics often branded as antisemitic. Such a polarised debate implies homogenous communities and neglects the diverse perspectives and experiences of the people of Israel and of Jewish people more broadly.

Antisemitism is a real and harmful threat to communities. However, it does not mean that the policies of Israel should not be critically analysed and challenged. Given the diversity of perspectives of Jewish people, opportunities to discuss and challenge the current policies of Israel should be welcomed and not branded as antisemitic as is occurring in much of the debate about the current conflict.

The Newcastle Institute will present a panel of Jewish speakers with diverse views on Jewish identities and policies of Israel:

  • Michelle Berkon, spokesperson and activist at Jews against the occupation
  • Dr Ronit Lentin, political sociologist, writer and antiracist activist
  • Dr Peter Slezak, Hon. Associate Professor of Philosophy at UNSW and antizionist activist

This is an opportunity to hear diverse views from speakers often marginalised in mainstream discussions of antisemitism and the current conflict. This panel will be moderated by Media and Human Rights Advocate, and Founder of The Parallel Effect, Daz Chandler.

When: Wednesday, 13th March, 2024 7.30pm – 9.00pm
Where: Souths Merewether, Llewellyn St Merewether
Members entry is complimentary – 

Thank you so much to everybody who has registered to come along.  The event has been so popular that it is now sold out and we have no availability for ‘walk-ins’ on the night.  If you’d like to catch the Livestream then head on over to the Newcastle Institute Facebook page where the stream will be live for the program from 7.30pm until 9.00pm

A copy of the stream will be available here on the Newcastle Institute website soon after the event.





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