Land use after mining: Opportunities and benefits for communities and the economy

As the Hunter and Australia transition from coal to alternative sources of energy, the productive and beneficial use of mining land presents challenges but also opportunities which are now starting to be realised. While the processes of using the land after mining are complex there are social and economic opportunities, which will require agile responses from communities, business and all levels of government. 

At the Newcastle Institute’s June meeting (Wednesday, 12th June 2024 6.00pm – 7.30pm), three speakers will discuss the reuse of mining land focusing on the processes and opportunities. 

  • Andrew Hutton is the Founder and Managing Director of Integrated Environmental Management Australia (IEMA), delivering environmental management and advisory services across various sectors. As a leader in mine closure planning, his work includes leading several comprehensive mine closure projects that encompass all aspects of planning, stakeholder engagement, technical studies, and closure cost estimations.
  •  Liz Watts has over 22 years’ experience in the Mining Industry in various technical, frontline production, leadership and corporate roles working for Rio Tinto, Xstrata, Glencore and BHP.  She is currently completing a PhD in Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Newcastle focussed upon sustainable outcomes in Mine Closure.
  • Tim Browne, currently the CEO of Dantia, Lake Macquarie’s Economic Development Company has over 19 years’ experience in both public and private sectors. He has experience in supporting the initiation of the $95 million Black Rock Motor Resort at Wakefield on the former site of an underground and open cut coal mine in Western Lake Macquarie.  

Communities and employees traditionally dependent on coal are demanding a just transition, requiring the right policies at all levels of government and partnerships with the affected communities. Closing of coal mines potentially presents opportunities for repurposing of these sites, with examples nationally and internationally guiding options for the Hunter. Our speakers will discuss these opportunities and challenges in the complex processes for repurposing of mine sites.

When:  Wednesday, 12th June 2024 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Where:  Souths Merewether, Llewellyn St Merewether
Members entry is complimentary – we request a $10 donation from casual attendees. 

Registration is now open.

Live streaming on Newcastle Institute Facebook page



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