One Health for a Challenged World

For our May event, taking place on Wednesday May 8, we have a special treat.

Professor Peter Doherty is a leading Australian Scientist, former Australian of the Year, won the Nobel Prize for his immunology research, and has (so far) written six books explaining cutting-edge  science for the general public.  He will be visiting Newcastle to speak at a Newcastle Institute public forum on the challenges of healthcare around the globe.

Watch the Facebook stream of this very edifying and very relevant presentation only ten days out from a Federal election.

Originally from Queensland, Professor Doherty now heads up a research institute at Melbourne University.  While continuing his immunology research, he has broader concerns about healthcare and science in Australia and around the world.  This includes issues such as evidence-based reality, childhood vaccination, global hunger and anthropogenic climate change.

Professor Doherty’s visit to Newcastle comes at a time of increasing international action to improve global health – the ‘One Health World’ challenge – driven by the WHO,the Global Fund and the Gates Foundation, among others. Professor Doherty has been one of the leaders of this initiative internationally.  His perspective on this challenge, and what it means to Australia’s future, will be of interest to anyone interested in the healthcare and our future security in an increasingly interconnected world.

It is a rare privilege to hear and meet a Nobel Laureate, but especially one who has stepped onto the world stage more broadly.  The forum starts at 6pm and will be taking place at Souths Leagues Club in Llewellyn Street Merewether.

Please use the link at the right to register for this event.  Everybody is welcome and there will be time for questions and interaction.



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