Port of Newcastle: Current Status, Future Plans

Port of Newcastle

Current Status, Future Plans

A fascinating update and vision of possibilities tonight at the Newcastle Institute.

The Port of Newcastle handles 4,697 ship movements and 166 million tonnes of cargo annually, with trade through the port contributing $71 billion to the Australian economy. Currently its deepwater shipping channel operates at 50% of its capacity, and with significant port land available with rail and road infrastructure access, there are opportunities to further strengthen the port’s activity and economic contribution. 

At the Newcastle Institute’s July meeting (Wednesday, 10th July 2024 6.00pm – 7.30pm), Professor Roy Green, Chair of the Port of Newcastle, will discuss the current status of the port and provide insight into the future plans to diversify its trade, focusing on the large infrastructure projects of Newcastle Deepwater Container Terminal and the Clean Energy Precinct. Professor Green is also Emeritus Professor of Innovation at the University of Technology Sydney, Conjoint Professor at the University of Newcastle and a member of the Vice Chancellor’s Business and Industry Advisory Board. 

With a direct ship-to-rail capacity on the former BHP site, it is expected that the container terminal project will bring $2.5 billion of economic activity to Australia as well as 19,000 direct and indirect jobs. Located on a 220-hectare parcel of industrial wasteland, the Clean Energy Precinct will position Newcastle and the Hunter Region as a leading production, storage and export hub for future clean energy products and technologies including hydrogen and green ammonia.

Professor Green will discuss the opportunities these projects will provide for the Hunter, state and nation to ensure a diverse and sustainable economy.

When: Wednesday, 10th July 2024 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Where: Souths Merewether, Llewellyn St Merewether

Members entry is complimentary – we request a $10 donation from casual attendees. 

Registration is now open.

Live streaming on Newcastle Institute Facebook page

Please note that in line with the Registered Clubs Act 1976, Souths Merewether requires visitors who live within 5km of the Club to become members. 

Live streaming on Newcastle Institute Facebook page



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