The next Forum of The Newcastle Institute will look at the recent resurgence of the visible influence of religion in political life.
In Australia, organised religion-based movements exert significant influence on politicians, the media, social institutions, and governments. International politics is strongly influenced by religious influences.
The University of Newcastle has recently established a research program looking at ‘Religion in Political Life’.
Program Leader Dr Tim Stanley will introduce the aims and background of the Religion in Political Life research program.
His co-researcher Dr Kathleen McPhillips will discuss the way ‘religion’ has been influential in Gender issues, Human Rights and Anti-discrimination legislation. She will also comment on the various religious influences on the current National and State Inquiries into child sexual abuse.
For an international perspective, Professor Terry Lovat will discuss ‘Islam and the West: A Precious but Fractured Relationship’.
These three different perspectives will lead into a broader discussion of how religion is influencing politics in Australia and Internationally – for good or bad.
What? Religion in Political Life – Newcastle Institute’s Public Forum
At next Wednesday night’s public forum of The Newcastle Institute, three academics from Newcastle University will present different perspectives from the Universities recently established “Religion in Political Life” research program
When? 7.00 – 8.30pm, Wednesday 22 May 2013
Where? Hunter Room, Newcastle City Hall, King St Newcastle
Who? Open to the general public. Admission $5 donation