Ross Gittins – The Happy Economist

The next New Institute public forum will welcome back one of Australia’s most prominent and respected Economics commentators.  Ross Gittins is renowned for his clear and concise style of writing, and his ability to break through the technical obscurantism and jargon that pervades many in the field. He is also unafraid of challenging the conventional wisdom, and using wry humour to illustrate his skepticism of the orthodoxy or fads of the day. 

Economics has long been called ‘The Dismal Science’.  The title of Ross’ new book, “The Happy Economist” typifies his humour as he asks provocative questions to make us think about things differently.  In it, he challenges the obsession of most economists with financial and economic measures.  He asks us to imagine instead a world where the progress of a nation was measured by more than figures like the GDP or national accounts. What if the wellbeing and even satisfaction or happiness of the people were also included?  Could happiness be our most important measure of economic success? 

Distilling the practical wisdom from recent scientific studies of happiness by psychologists and economists, Ross claims that happiness isn’t about maintaining a forced smile or a self-centred concern to maximise pleasure and minimise pain, but about living a satisfying life of endeavour, achievement and mutually rewarding relationships.

Perhaps more provocatively, he also argues for a different approach by governments.  He suggests that less emphasis on economic growth and efficiency, and more on preserving the planet and the social fabric – could add to ‘national happiness’.  It is a bold and insightful venture into an area where few economists dare to tread.

Don’t miss the pleasure of hearing Ross Gittins at The New Institute!

VENUE: South Leagues Club, Llewellyn St.  Merewether.    
DATE: Tuesday 12th October 2010  
TIME: 7.00 till 8.30pm  ADMISSION: $5
FURTHER INFORMATION:  or Angie at  0422401129
Click here if you'd like to download a flyer for this event



2 Responses

  1. Hi, do we need to pay our $5.00 in advance or can we pay on the night.
    Many thanks

    1. Hi Marilyn. It’s fine to pay at the door. Ross has tended to attract a good audience size in the past, so worth bearing this in mind when planning parking and arrival etc.

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