The Economics of Just about Everything

The final Newcastle Institute event for 2012 is coming up on 13th November.  Join us at the Hunter Room, City Hall, to hear Ross Gittins outlining

The Economics of Just about Everything

Ross Gittins AM is one of Australia’s most respected economics commentators. He has received multiple awards and honours recognising his contribution to finance and economics journalism.  He has a unique ability to cut through all the obfuscation and artificial complexities, whilst simultaneously bringing a sharp wit and an iconoclasts ability to challenge the orthodoxies that others accept.

Ross is also one the Patrons of the Newcastle Institute.

At the next public forum of the Newcastle Institute, Ross returns to speak about a wide range of issues affecting Australia’s economy, and society more broadly. He will review the progress of the GFC, the state of the economy now and in the next year, the resources boom, carbon and mining taxes, refugees and even economists themselves.

There are few other economics gurus that write the column in a daily newspaper that people turn to first, or who can pack the auditorium at a literary festival. This is an event not to be missed!

NOVEMBER MONTHLY FORUM  – November 13th 7pm

Hunter Room, Level 2, City Hall.  

(Lift access is available by entering from the Wheeler Place entrance.)

Open to the general public;  Donation $5



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