The National Disability Insurance Scheme – How will it work?

With bipartisan support, the Australian Parliament has recently passed the legislation enabling the National Disability Insurance Scheme.  Some regard this as the most important change in social services in Australia since the introduction of universal health insurance.

The NSW pilot program for the NDIS (now Disability Care Australia) is being rolled out in the Newcastle Local Government Area, commencing on July 1.    

But how will it work?
The next public forum of The Newcastle Institute, will focus on the changes that are planned, and those that are needed, with the introduction of the new system for universal disability care in Australia.  Three different perspectives will be provided. 
Rob Watkins, State Manager of the NDIS, will outline the organisational arrangements that are being put in place for the pilot program in Newcastle. 
But will this address the needs of the disabled?  
Scott Holtz, State Manager of National Disability Services, will discuss the perspective of non-government disability service providers.
Mark Grierson will speak on behalf of Disability Advocacy, an organisation providing advocacy for people with any kind of disability. 
There will then be an opportunity for discussion of whether the current plans for the future of Disability Care in Australia are realistic, appropriate, and sustainable beyond the initial excitement of the laws being passed.   
This will be an exciting chance for the public to learn about how the new Disability Scheme for Australia will be piloted in Newcastle.
Meeting is open to the public:  Wheelchair access via Wheeler Place entrance

Event takes place next Wednesday, 12th June, at 7.30pm in the Hunter Room at City Hall.

Entry by donation of $5 



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