The final public forum hosted by the Newcastle Institute for this year looks at the implementation of the National Disability Insurance Scheme – with particular focus on the future care of the severely disabled, such as the current residents of the Stockton Centre.
The Federal Legislation to establish the NDIS was passed with bipartisan support and general public acclaim. The Stockton Centre is a large and old institution for the severely intellectually disabled. These types of institutions are now widely regarded as inappropriate. Its closure has been foreshadowed by the State Government for at least ten years. The Government is now making plans to move the Stockton Centre residents in the next two years.
The overall principles and aims of the NDIS have universal support. Nevertheless there is concern, particularly from the families of the Stockton Centre residents, that the new system may not adequately support the needs of those with severe intellectual disabilities.
Will this be a repeat of the problems that occurred after the implementation of the Richmond Scheme for mental health services in the 1980’s?
These issues will be addressed at the next Newcastle Institute forum. Speakers will include representatives of Lifestyle Solutions and the House with No Steps – two large disability service providers; Wendy Cuneo who has a son being cared for in the Stockton Centre; and Lorraine Yudaeff, a former manager of the Centre. All have different perspectives on this complex issue, and are concerned to ensure that the new system of care provides an improved service for ALL disabled people, including those with severe disabilities.
The forum will include short presentations by the speakers, and then a panel discussion involving the public. Some of the issues raised are confronting, unpleasant and rarely discussed in public:- but they are important issues that must be dealt with.
THIS FORUM IS OPEN TO THE GENERAL PUBLIC VENUE: Souths Newcastle Leagues Club, Llewellyn Street Merewether.DATE: Wednesday 11h November 2015TIME: 6.00 till 7.30pm ADMISSION: $5 Donation
Click here to download a pdf flyer for the event.