The vanishing criminal_final Every day in the media we are bombarded with stories of robbery, violence and other crimes. It seems the world is getting more and more dangerous. What is the answer to this crime wave?
In Newcastle in particular, there has been wide discussion about alcohol and violence, and appropriate controls for late-night pubs and clubs.
Don Weatherburn is one of Australia’s leading criminologists, and knows the facts about modern crime. Break-ins; robbery; alcohol-fueled violence, illegal drugs, car theft and more..…
Don is Professor at the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, and previously had a long career as Executive Director of the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (BOCSAR). Don has researched a wide range of topics on the causes, effective prevention and appropriate punishment strategies for crime. He has produced over 200 research publications, including four books.
His latest book, ‘The Vanishing Criminal’ shows that most crimes are becoming less common, and the world is much safer than we might think. But the reasons why are surprising… He also challenges some widely-held notions about what punishment and prevention strategies have worked and will work in the future.
Professor Weatherburn will be speaking at the next public forum of the Newcastle Institute. The forum is an opportunity to learn of the research, the surprising facts, and understand what should be done in future to deal with modern crime in our community.
August 9th, 6pm till 7.30pm at Souths Leagues Club, Merewether
The Forum is open to the public. A donation of $10 is requested from those able to pay.
The Forum will be free to watch via livestream on the Newcastle Institute Facebook page. The webinar recording will also be available on the Institute’s website after the event. The Newcastle Institute has returned to hosting live public forums, held monthly.