Planning underway
Like everybody, we’ve had our planning frustrated by Covid and the emergence of additional variants etc. Behind the scenes we’re looking at a number of possible program events and possible venues. We hope to have more complete information available soon.
From the end of 2021 …….
Members and supporters of the Newcastle Institute will have noticed that we have been ‘resting’ for the last few months. Like most of the community, we found the interest in ‘Zoom’ webinars was difficult to maintain, even with the best of presenters.
Next Year
With the remarkable success of vaccination programs, we are hoping that by early next year we will be able to resume ‘Face-to-Face’ meetings. With everything that we have learnt over the last two years, we will continue to live-stream the face-to-face meetings, but we look forward to meeting up with old friends – and making new ones – soon.
We have a number of speakers and presenters in the pipeline, but are always happy to receive suggestions or ‘leads’ for new topics. We would also be happy to meet supporters wishing to become more actively involved in program development etc.
Local Government Elections
For a variety of reasons, we chose not to get involved with hosting Public Forums for Candidates at this year’s Local Government Elections on December 4th. As always, we encourage all supporters to take an active interest in the elections.
We note that there is a Mayoral Candidates Forum on Wednesday 18th November at 5.30 pm at the Gallipoli Club in Hamilton. There may be other events in the next two weeks.
Voting in Local Government Elections is optional preferential. The power of your vote is maximised by expressing your preferences from first to last. NOTE:- There is a common misconception (encouraged by some groups) that if voting ‘above the line’, there is no need to vote beyond your first choice. We encourage you to consider this carefully and avoid ‘exhausting’ your vote by expressing your preference fully. Best wishes for the holiday season – and let’s look forward to 2022! If you’d like to view video streams of our previous webinars in 2020, visit our website and follow the links to the 2020 Program, and the 2021 Program Click on an event of interest to see more information and a video record of the event.