The Importance of Cybersecurity for Everyone

The CrowdStrike outage, which affected business, services and governments internationally, and the ability of individuals to undertake daily work and life activities, is a stark reminder about our vulnerability resulting from reliance on technology for all aspects of our lives. While not malicious in its intent, it highlights the importance of cybersecurity across critical systems for government and business.

At the Newcastle Institute’s August meeting (Wednesday, 14th August 2024 6.00pm – 7.30pm), Professor Vijay Varadharajan, Global Innovation Chair in Cybersecurity at the University of Newcastle, will discuss the critical importance of cybersecurity for everyone. Professor Varadharajan is a renowned cybersecurity expert who has worked with government, industry and research peers to thwart pervasive digital threats lurking within our online systems. 

Given the pervasive nature of technology in all aspects of our lives the concept of cybersecurity is now paramount to individuals, businesses and societies. Most of Professor Varadharajan’s work has focused on deliberate, malicious cyber-attacks where bugs are introduced with the intention of attacking and cheating others. He stresses the importance of identifying and eliminating cybersecurity threats before they cause harm but recognises that detecting these digital threats, counteracting them and attributing them to the attackers all pose difficult challenges. 

He has held appointments on advisory boards in government and across prominent international companies. This includes appointments with Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard, as well as the Australian Government’s Peak Security Advisory Body, the Prime Ministerial Cyber Security Task Force and the Office of the Chief Scientist of Australia. 

Professor Varadharajan will discuss cybersecurity and the importance of addressing the threats at a government, business and individual level at our next meeting.

When: Wednesday, 14th August 2024 6.00pm – 7.30pm
Where: Souths Merewether, Llewellyn St Merewether
Members entry is complimentary – we request a $10 donation from casual attendees. 

Please note that in line with the Registered Clubs Act 1976, Souths Merewether requires visitors who live within 5km of the Club to become members. 

Live streaming on Newcastle Institute Facebook page



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